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The Collected Writings of Sardonicus

Wednesday, September 07, 2005 at 10:19 PM

It just so happens that my first entry into this blog falls on the same day I move into my dorm for my senior year in college. Now, I won't waste your time with any pitiful effort to appear "deep" or creative by suggesting that these two simultaneous beginnings are anything but coincidental. Perhaps a lesser man would not be able to resist such temptation.

My motivation for this blog is simple: boredom. It is not only possible, but likely that my entries will not be entertaining to anyone else save myself. For this I do not and will not apologize, as any suffering on your part will only increase my pleasure. If you do find, on the odd occasion, anything I say helpful or intriguing, suffice it say that it was not intentional and will surely not happen twice in your lifetime.

My entries will cover a wide array of topics and formats: whatever I want, written however I want, updated whenever I want. Finally, I welcome you to my blog. So on we go.

Sincerely yours,

Hart Ku