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The Collected Writings of Sardonicus

Friday, April 21, 2006 at 9:21 PM

Hu Jintao declared at Yale University today that he is "committed to democracy," which I believe is reassuring to many investors. But there is, of course, cause for suspicion. It is, above all, a trip for China's economic interests, rather than political. Hu actually met with Bill Gates before he met with Bush, which is a clear indication how he wants to establish the tone of the visit.

Gas is sorta getting out of hand, isn't it...? Thankfully I don't have to drive as much while I'm on campus, but I always find myself worrying about gas when I do go out.

What is wrong with the Yankees. Come on, a few days ago the Yanks became the first baseball team to be worth over a billion dollars, yet you can't win games.

Met with Jack Bogle (Class of '51) a few days ago at a Prospect House luncheon (I recieved the Bogle Brothers' Scholarship this year to attend Princeton) and he's a really nice guy. Well, at least he was nice to us. He's the CEO of Vanguard, and it was nice to hear about a guy who came from very little to become as successful as he is. Food was good too. I should really write the guy to thank him.

Is this gonna get any easier?