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The Collected Writings of Sardonicus

Saturday, October 28, 2006 at 1:36 AM

Quick Books:
- Hegemony Or Survival: America's Quest for Global Dominance (2003) by Noam Chomsky
Insightful. Controversial. Articulate. Although it gets a big redundant, it's mandatory reading. A-
- His Excellency (2004) by Joseph J. Ellis
A respectable intro to our first post-Constitution American President. Extremely boring though... and nothing was written that you can't find anywhere else. B-

Quick Movies:
- Marie Antoinette (2006)
A surprisingly good movie. I wasn't expecting to see what I saw at all. But the movie limited itself to Marie Antoinette's early years as Queen of France, so I was a bit frustrated that it left out some of the more interesting events in her life. B Somewhat recommended.
- The Prestige (2006)
A poor man's Illusionist. Skip it. C+

Quick Television DVDs:
The West Wing First Season DVD: A- Buy it.
The West Wing Second Season DVD: A+ Seriously... Buy it. One of the greatest shows ever.
Arrested Development Season One DVD: B+ Good
Arrested Development Season Two DVD: A Man, this was so funny... it's criminal that it was cancelled.