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The Collected Writings of Sardonicus

Sunday, November 20, 2005 at 10:18 PM

Isn't it funny how life unravels? How there can be infinite ways that will bring you to the same conclusion? I had hoped for a direct path, but maybe some things are worth the wait. I'm reminded of the Illiad, and the journey of Odysseus back to his kingdom after the Trojan War. His fate was never truly under question, I guess, yet he nevertheless had to endure unbearable trials before he was allowed to fulfill his destiny. I'm uncertain if what I seeing ahead of me is my "destiny," or simply another temptation to overcome. Are one of my options right now my journey "home," or is it the call of the Sirens luring me off track? And if it is the first, which path is the right one? Do I believe in destiny enough to trust that my choice will ultimately prove to be the correct one? Who knows... I should put some thought into this.

Summoning charm, used to make objects fly straight to the spell caster.