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The Collected Writings of Sardonicus

Wednesday, April 26, 2006 at 12:11 AM

Okay, okay, I'm jumping on the 24 bandwagon. I got a few episodes today, I watched the first two, and it started out pretty well. I'll get some more episodes together so I can eventually catch up. I spent the entire day watching tv... tuesdays are murder. Scrubs, Teachers, Veronica Mars, House, Boston Legal, reruns of Seinfeld and Simpsons... I had to download a few of them just to watch them all... Sorta pitiful. It's a good thing I don't have cable... I'd never get anything done.

Had some good ol Korean food for lunch today. It was sooo satisfying. Of course, it was only bulgogi, but I liked having a familiar taste in my mouth again. Really brought me back to a time when I didn't have as much chaos going on in my head... Or am I just forgetting? Was life simpler back then, or am I just decieving myself? It's probably the latter. Still... I need to get my head back together. I've already wasted years.