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The Collected Writings of Sardonicus

Saturday, May 27, 2006 at 10:59 PM

X-Men III: The Last Stand
At last! A story truly worthy of the X-franchise has finally been weaved together by Brett Ratner. Of course, it was no Spider-Man II, but it definitely had its moments and, to my surprise, I was quite pleased with the product. But, naturally, there were a number of weak points. First and foremost, in the opinion of this writer, was the exceptionally large cast. I appreciate how the breath of characters helps illustrate the magnitude of the events on screen, but ultimately, no characters were satisfyingly fleshed out, although each were appropriately given their moment to shine. Recommended, but only if you are in the mood for some action. B+

Man... I did astoundingly bad this past semester... Unforgivable.

Went on my maiden voyage to the Manhasset Public Library this afternoon, and intend to acquaint myself more thoroughly with the establishment in the future. By all appearances a great place to work.