The Collected Writings of Sardonicus
Sunday, May 21, 2006 at 1:35 AM
Building the proposed "wall" on the Southern border really has nothing to do with terrorism. It's because too many people are coming in through Mexico too quickly, and they, overall, contribute very little to the country. Some people argue that they're helpful because they are willing to work for very little. First of all, that's condescending, and second, it's not as true as it sounds. Yes, they cost employers less because hiring American citizens would mean higher wagers, but the undocumented workers also leech off of social welfare programs on the taxpayer's dime. Individual employers can make bigger profits, but the rest of us have to foot the actual bill. It's getting harder and harder for the US to absorb the costs of people of whom the vast majority do not, and never will make enough to pay taxes. Fine, the US should allow a certain amount of people to cross every year (as they do from most countries), but it should refocus its immigration policy to also attract people from other areas of the world that are also skilled and educated. If people continue to cross the southern border at the present rate (and it's only likely to go up), then our country is really going into the sh*thole in a few decades, especially with out Social Security problems. So yes, SOMETHING needs to be done. But NO, building a fence doesn't seem to be the most effective way to solve the problem. Likely, it'll achieve minimal results, and cost a heckuva lot of money.
The best policy? I agree that Bush should send more National Guard troops to patrol the border, and the United States should continue to build its relations with Mexico so that one day, our southern neighbor's economy starts to flourish and retain its own workers. For the time being, Congress should NOT consider giving our illegals amnesty and then citizenship. That'll just make the border problem worse.
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