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The Collected Writings of Sardonicus

Friday, May 05, 2006 at 2:37 AM

Well, yesterday afternoon I had my final class at Princeton University. I'm ambivalent about it. It was hardly a life-altering event, but I believe it was enough to give me pause. I've been dedicating too much of my time recently to introspection. Typically, I'm relatively apathetic about things of little consequence, but something is different. Can't put my finger on it though. I almost feel like I'm in the process of mourning, but I'm not quite sure what it is that I lost. Normally, I oddly take comfort in other people's stupidity and misfortune, but that hasn't been as amusing as of late. Either I have become desensitized to the entertainment value of pain and suffering, or something else has been ruining my mood. I blame one person in particular, who EVERYDAY seems to annoy the HELL out of me. From morning til night. And I've made a lot of progress with this person so as to pacify the situation, but it's still not working for me. Well, a large part of the reason why I have a constant headache is because this person is just one of the most annoying people I've ever had to be around... but I'm also willing to acknowledge that a lot of it has to do with my legendary intolerance of other people. One day bards will sing of it. Sleeping in my room at home again will be wonderful... here I can't get a good night's sleep or a moment's peace... On some level, I'm proud that I hold people around me to such high standards of behavior, yet sometimes it would be great if I just didn't care.

The thing pissing me off today: People who compulsively need to pretend not to care about something when they really. Are you just "too cool" to give someone else the satisfaction of knowing something matters to you?

Also, on a higher note... the new Superman Returns trailer!! Play it on quicktime here