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The Collected Writings of Sardonicus

Sunday, September 18, 2005 at 9:16 PM

Argh, spent pretty much the entire day running errands. And I still have much more to do. It's not even my work, it's for a professor I'm working for this year. But I did become more familiar with the library, which perhaps made it worth it. Fortunately, I ended up playing some badminton, which was a good stress reliever. I'm gonna have to endure 6 hours of class tomorrow, so I definitely need a way to unwind.

Former President Bill Clinton openly criticized President GW Bush today, which I found to be strange. I don't disagree with the President Clinton, but I'm not sure if I approve of a former President trying to influence or embarrass the serving President. Maybe he believes it's part of his duty to speak out, but there doesn't seem to be much precedent for activist ex-Presidents.

A television show I failed to mention before was Boston Legal, perhaps my favorite current television show. What night is it on again? It just came to mind because William Shatner apparently won an Emmy. Huh... pigs fly.

***Looks like it's over. Move on. Just don't think about it anymore.