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The Collected Writings of Sardonicus

Saturday, December 10, 2005 at 4:02 PM

So I've finally started to make some progress on my senior thesis. Well, with the research anyway. Just a few more days until winter break... then I'll really push myself to put pen on paper. I think I should get at least 20-40 pages done by January, and I think that's definitely doable. But it means I'll probably be here on campus for most of winter break. Gonna be pretty boring... I unfortunately don't have many plans for the holiday. But there will definitely be a couple of bright spots in there :).

Need to dump some baggage? It's not a lot, of course, but it has been bothering me a bit. Yeah... I think that's the best course of action. It might take some prodding though... But eventually, POOF... it'll be gone. Then my kingdom will be saved.

Anyway, went to the gym to let off some steam. Now I'm hungry... hmmm what to eat, what to eat... Pizza? Nah, had pizza too many times this week. Chinese? Maybe... Thai? Too far away... I'll settle on something.

“Lumen” is Latin for light. “Luminosus” is Latin for “bright”. Produces light from the end of the caster’s wand.