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The Collected Writings of Sardonicus

Tuesday, December 06, 2005 at 1:59 AM

Sorta trying to figure out what's going on. I think I've been able to get past some things lately, and it's definitely a weight that's been lifted off my shoulders. But it's an improvement in my situation only if something else is true, and I'm still not sure if it is or not. Hmm, would it even be a good thing if I got what I wanted? Sadly, probably not. Sorta silly all this highschool junk is catching up to me now.

Anyway, had a few uneventful days... but I did get to see Colonial again Sunday morning. Haven't gone for a meal since I dropped Colonial in the beginning of the school year. Argh, time's moving way too fast. I got fitted for my cap and gown today... it's unreal. My time in college is quickly coming to an end, and I haven't yet really taken advantage of it. I wonder what things I'll regret. But... I never really seem to regret anything. I guess we'll see.

Prior Incantato
Creates an image of the last spell cast by a wand.