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The Collected Writings of Sardonicus

Sunday, July 09, 2006 at 9:49 PM

Movie Review - Non-fiction
Anytown USA: All Politics is Local
Directed by Kristian Fraga
Winner - "Best Documentary" at the Minneapolis-St. Paul Int'l Film Festival

Director Kristian Fraga follows the 2003 (I think) Bogota, New Jersey mayoral race among Republican incumbant Steve Lonegan, Democrat Fred Pesce, and Write-in Independent candidate Dave Musikant. The purpose of the documentary, I suspect, is to give the viewer a closer look into local, small-town politics. If the film achieves this - and I have no reason to doubt that it does - I can therefore only conclude, after careful consideration, that going into small-town politics is possibly the dullest, most monotone, and tedious endeavor regularly undertaken by carbon-based life-forms.

I really don't have much to say about this film, so this review will be shorter than the ones I have been writing lately. My only recommendation is that you stay as far away from it as humanly feasible without resorting to violating the laws of physics. Documentaries much more entertaining and intelligent are regularly broadcasted on PBS (I believe the new season of Wide Angle premeires this Tuesday), as well as the History Channel, so for all of you who are in the mood for a sexy documentary, I suggest you look eslewhere. If this movie approaches you and asks if you have spare change, don't make eye contact and don't answer him, just keep on walking. C-

Past Movie Reviews:
8. Superman Returns (2006)
7. The Da Vinci Code (2006)
6. King Kong (2005)
5. X-Men III: The Last Stand (2006)
4. Missing Impossible III (2006)
3. Apocalypse Now (1979)
2. V for Vendetta (2006)
1. The Bourne Supremacy (2004)