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The Collected Writings of Sardonicus

Monday, September 26, 2005 at 12:48 AM

Went to the Asian Food Market this morning to pick up some groceries and get some lunch. Wow, that place stunk, and the lunch combo I got was horrible. I must've been spoiled by having the wonderful and charismatic H-Mart to go to over the summer. Plus, I really need to go to Whole Foods to get some of the food I'm more used to. Everything else is just one big, heaping pile of disappointment.

Funny thing, I got a warning for parking on the school lot without a permit. I guess I'll have to go and buy that this upcoming week. Jeez, I've been leaving everything til the last minute. I still have to register as a work-study, and apply to have one of my courses counted as a cognate. My laziness is going to be the end of me... I also need a haircut badly.

Good things going on? 1) I'm done with my assignments for my morning class, 2) done with my laundry for the day, and 3) decided to go home next weekend. Things are looking up... sorta. Ah, start recreational Karate tomorrow. I guess I'll see how that goes. It meets three times a week, which is pretty harsh for what's supposed to be a casual class.