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The Collected Writings of Sardonicus

Sunday, October 23, 2005 at 11:49 PM

Evolution vs. Intelligent Design

An interesting article, although it won't change anyone's mind. What some people don't understand is that religious zealots don't care where evidence- or logic- leads. The point of religion is faith. So, essentially, spending any time trying to disprove any of the remnants of Creationism is time wasted. People who believe in evolution will continue to believe in it, and people who believe in intelligent design will continue to believe in it. Believing in either doesn't hurt anyone. Well... unless you're religious and you think I'm going to Hell. If true, that would probably hurt. Because of some stuff I went through a little while ago, my interest in the consequences of my agnostic belief system has been reawakened. Sigh, I remember a few years ago... life was so much simpler back then. So much less suspicion of people's motives around me... things have been eating away at me, and I haven't yet figured out how to respond. Argh. You know, it's not worth it. Thinking about it isn't worth it. Jeez, this type of drama should be beneath me. Toughen up, Hart.

Well, back to studying for midterms.