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The Collected Writings of Sardonicus

Sunday, October 02, 2005 at 9:28 PM

Went home for the weekend, which was pretty nice. I'm definitely getting better at figuring out the directions. Anyway, got to see my sister, who also came home for the weekend, and we went to IKEA. It was my first time there, so it was an interesting experience. As you can see, I bought a table and a chair and assembled it in my room. Not too shabby, huh? I still need to decorate my room with posters though... something to spice this place up.

Yankess won the division, despite being tied, record-wise, with the Red Sox. I was really hoping that the Indians would make the playoffs and send the Red Sox home though. Oh well, I guess the Yankees will have to work for it this year.

Nothing else in the news that is particularly interesting to me. All that's ahead for me is a night of homework. Hoo-ah.