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The Collected Writings of Sardonicus

Wednesday, September 28, 2005 at 2:07 PM

BOOYA TOM DELAY. BOO....YA! Maybe now the Republicans in the House will know not to let criminals and thugs run their party. That guy always rubbed me the wrong way... Maybe it's because he's from Texas. Our justice system might not be perfect... or even okay, but it does have it's moments.

Don Adams, from "Get Smart" fame, died a few days ago :(. I don't know how he was in his private life, but he gave me and my sister countless nights of laughs and so I thank him for that at least. The Get Smart revival series in the 90s that starred Andy Dick was HORRIBLE, but it didn't tarnish the respect I had for the original.

As you can see from the picture on the left, I've been working in my carrel a few times. It's like a prison cell. Anyway, I cut my hair yesterday to get myself all nice and clean-shaven for my graduation picture I took today. Why is my right eye always twice as large as my left. So... asymmetrical. Anyway, decided to not do karate and instead just go to the gym again. I'm not much in the mood to just be throwing punches into the air for two hours, 3 days a week if I could be doing something much more effective and personalized.

Currently watching: a Korean tv show called "Let's Go to the Beach."