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The Collected Writings of Sardonicus

Sunday, October 09, 2005 at 11:45 PM

No duh, Alan Greenspan. The housing market is messed up, and a LOT of people are gonna go to the poor house once this bubble bursts. For the rest of us? Affordable housing. Can't wait for it.

A Great day for baseball. The Astros clinched their divisional series against the Braves in 18 innings today, and the Yanks tied their series with the Angels, 2-2. The pitching match-up for game 5 is the same as Game one, and since the Yanks won that one, I guess we're the favorites. Let's all keep our fingers crossed.
Oh yeah... BOSTON LOST! HAHA! You suck Boston.

Sigh. That earthquake in Pakistan... is it just me or are natural disasters becoming much more frequent and much more deadly. Maybe it's just because I didn't really keep up with natural disaster news when I was younger, but I'm hearing a lot of "worst hurricane/earthquake/tsunami in our history" a LOT nowadays. Maybe it's just coincidence.

New York City officials decided that the information on the plot to plant explosives in the NYC subways didn't have too much substance. I guess that's a good thing. I'm pretty worried about terror plots on New York. It's almost enough to make me think twice about living and working there after I graduate. The Big Apple would be the first or second major target in a nuclear war, and probably the main target for other terrorist attacks. Food for thought.

Korean quiz tomorrow. What a drag... I'll be up all night.