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The Collected Writings of Sardonicus

Friday, October 21, 2005 at 11:08 PM

So... I'm back in the 1901 computer cluster... Well, I have a new hard drive, but now they discover that the problem was the fan all along, so now I have to buy a fan too, and my computer is still busted. And having the technicians work on my computer the other night turned out to be $89/hr! How ridiculous is that?

Wow... THIS is extremely interesting. Apparently the traditional lightbulb may soon be obsolete, and it's thanks to an accidental discovery by a Vanderbilt grad student. It really is amazing when this stuff happens... would be MUCH cooler if something like this happened to me though.

Ferrer got a photo op with President Clinton the other day. Sorta pathetic, since a few days before that Clinton made a speech in support of Corzine here in NJ, and called him the most qualified candidate for governor he's ever seen. Makes a photo op seem sorta wimpy, huh. I guess the former President doesn't like associating himself with losers. If he just supported everyone, his support would cease to mean anything to anyone. Plus, Senator Clinton seems to be implicitly supportive of Bloomberg, and I get the sense that either one wouldn't mind seeing the current mayor re-elected.

* Still don't have access to time collection. Starting to piss me off.
** What in the world is going on with this? It's just downright puzzling. Just can't figure this out.