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The Collected Writings of Sardonicus

Monday, October 24, 2005 at 11:08 PM

My art history seminar professor is a pretty cool guy. Professor Shimizu from my ART 420: "Renegade" Japanese Art of teh Edo Period course. From time-to-time he likes to strike up conversation with me during the 10-minute break during our 3-hour monday seminars, and it's actually sorta nice. If I was an art history major, I could see myself wanting him to be a mentor of mine. We talked about my plans after I graduate, and how things were still up in the air for me. I plan on taking a couple of years off, but apparently he took off 4 years after college and used those years to discover his passion. Otherwise, he would've never known that he wanted to go into art history. Similarly, his son has taken time off before going to college, and took a year off in the middle of it as well. It got me thinking about how much I know about myself. Do I need a period of self-exploration? Am I as self-actualized as I think I am? Should I try to tie myself down with a job after I graduate, or should I just go where the wind takes me? How long would I last as a professonial nomad? You know, I really respected that Professor Shimizu took the time to find his passion. But if I respect it so much, why am I so hesitant to make a similar journey? Is it fear? Yes... I think it is. I've never been much of a risk-taker, and I doubt I'll turn into an extreme form of one, but maybe I need to take some chances. Stop taking the easy roads.

Well, we'll see if I take this heart.