The Collected Writings of Sardonicus
Wednesday, December 28, 2005 at 3:33 PM
Went to the Jones Beach Holiday Light Spectacular yesterday, which was a bit of a snorefest to be honest. In fact, aside from a some wonderful moments during the evening, yesterday was a huge headache. Got lost for over and hour and a half on my way to Eastern Long Island, had to make a mad dash for gas before the light "spectacular"- which was anything but- and a morning full of annoyances. I definitely need more time to myself this holiday break, but as long as my sister is breathign down my neck practically 24/7, I won't get a string of hours to myself until I go back to school. She's like a newborn child that I have to constantly be aware of, and is impossible to ignore. Ah well, just a few more days at home. Then comes the stresses of school... Eh, it'll be okay. At least I have a few moments of relative peace and quiet here at Bryant Library. Sigh... this is the life.
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