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The Collected Writings of Sardonicus

Sunday, February 26, 2006 at 4:08 PM

I gotta give President Bush credit. He's not backing down to the xenophobic mob backlash against the Dubai deal regarding key US ports. The UAE is a respected Arab nation that is one of the few countries in teh Middle East that is behaving well, and now we see both Democrats and Republicans in Congress spearheading a campaign to discredit the President by suggcounesting all Arab nations sponsor terrorism. Schumar, Clinton, Graham, you all should be ASHAMED of yourselves. It's just irresponsible, and if Bush allows for the mob to dictate American economic and foreign policy, it will substantially injure our efforts to get Arab nations to cooperate with us in the future.

Iraq seems to be headed towards civil war, although many believe that the civil war has been going on for some time now. It's difficult to know what role the US should play in the power struggles among the Shiites, Sunnis, and Kurds, but it goes without saying that things are not going well. It's hard to know how the conflict will effects Iraq's neighbors, and I can't find too many people optimistic about Iraq remaining unified for much longer. We'll see how this plays out in Iraq, and how this plays out here at home. Many Republicans have turned their backs on the lame duck Prez, and he's pissed about it. And I don't blame him. He's been extremely loyal to his people these past 6 years, and I guess only now he's starting to see their true natures.

It's hardly unexpected, but the Philippines is under a state of emergency, and Arroyo is fighting off coups left and right. Some analysts expect the country to be put under martial law sooner rather than later, and I guess we'll have to see what develops after that. Signs point to the possibility that she has already lost a lot of support among the military.

Looks like the Winter Olympics in Turin is coming to an end. South Korea is tied in 9th overall with a medal count of 11: 6 golds, 3 silvers, 2 bronzes. They're tied with Italy and China. A great Olympic Games for the ROK, almost tripling the number of medals that were won during the Salt Lake City Games in 2002. The overall leader was Germany, with 29 medals, followed closely by the United States with 25.