Quick thoughts while watching the State of the Union
-Huh, I wonder who the cabinet member who didn't come was.
-The root cause of 9/11 was a dictatorship? How does he figure that? The Taliban was hardly a dictatorship, it's more of a plutocracy, perhaps a theocracy of sorts.
-Funny how he claims the US has a legacy of battling oppression when US imperialism has just as rich a history.
-Wow, he's really pumping a lot of blind patriotism talk into his address.
-Oh good job, Mr. President. Why don't you just exploit a dead man by reading his letter aloud for your own political gain. Bravo, jerk. Oh, that's right Camera Guy, give us a nice juicy close-up of the dead soldier's teary-eyed wife. Hope you're proud of yourself.
-Oh no... I think he's gonna talk about Hamas... yeah... he just did. Huh, he was actually quite diplomatic this time. I'm impressed. I was expected him to include Hamas into the Axis of Evil.
-Huh, I forget, did the UN decide to impose sanctions on Iran? I forgot to follow up on that, but it doesn't sound like it happened.
-Oooh, he just said the P-word. The dreaded P*triot Act. Oh, that guy they flashed on the screen looks pissed.
- I like his speech about the economy so far. It's very optimistic. A little disingenuous, but it's nice rhetoric.
- I'm not an econ professor, but I strongly disagree with his talk about making the tax cuts permanent. This is not the time for tax cut talks, man. Sigh... projecting balancing the budget? THE BUDGETS DON'T EVEN TAKE IRAQ INTO ACCOUNT! *Sigh*
- HAHAHAHAH. Oh man, that's fantastic. The dems just gave a standing ovation to the failed Social Security reform.
- Ethanol-based gasoline competitive with petroleum in six years? Hmm, what does he mean by "competitive" exactly?
- HAHAHAH! The American Competitiveness Initiative??!! Jeez, are you still trying to pretend that No Child Left Behind was a good thing? Just let that one go, Mr. President.
- Man, I feel happy for CJ Roberts and AJ Alito. That must feel pretty good. But I sorta feel bad for Roberts. He has to sit next to Thomas.
- "History is written in courage?" What in the world does that even mean?
Parting Thoughts:
Eh.... I've heard much much better Bush speeches. That was not anything special at all.
The Democratic Response:
Wow... you stink Governor Kaine. This is horrible. I appreciate that you're from the South and thus not that much should be expected from you, but can't you at least not be annoying? There's something creepy about this guy... I think it's his eyebrows. His left eyebrow is constantly piqued. Argh... this is painful!