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The Collected Writings of Sardonicus

Wednesday, January 04, 2006 at 12:41 AM

Saw Syriana the other day. It was a really interesting movie about the U.S.'s chess-match with China over securing oil, U.S. covert operations in the Middle East, corporate and government corruption, Islamic fundamentalism, and US-Middle East politics. A few of the scenes weren't for the faint at heart, but I thought it was great. There were a number of subplots, and they didn't really cross each other in a meaningful way. Still, it's definitely a movie I plan on getting on dvd. I've noticed I've been getting into dramas and historical fiction a lot more nowadays, rather than the huge fantastical blockbusters I usually choose to spend my money on. Which reminds me, I should really try to find Good Night and Good Luck on dvd to borrow.
All in all, nothing really going on. Will probably make the trek back to campus tomorrow night once I feel rush hour is over.